the unpublished works of Lisa Duval

a short story


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Lisa wrote this short story in 2000. 
 She sent it to me in email to read. 
 I share it with you now.

The Test of Faith
By Lisa Duval Aka


   If Today you were faced with a decision that would change you whole life for the better or for the worse what desicion would you choose? Would you choose to forgive those that hurt you or hold the anger inside never to tell anyone or even let it out? Would you choose to risk your life and save a child or watch the child die because you did nothing?

Chapter 1

   It was a beautiful spring morning. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and a child was welcomed to the world. Today is March 21st the yr 2000.
   Baby Reily Marie 7 1bs 2 oz. A perfect little Angel but she was not healthy. Doctors said she will not make it through the night but she did.
   Now five years later she is in her first day of school. A true miracle.
   "Reily" called the teacher, "can you please pass out the pencils to the other students, so that I can teach you how to write your names if you don't already know how?"
   "Yes, Miss. Smith, I will be happy to," came the soft reply of Reily.
   Just as Reily finished passing out the pencils the phone rang.
   "Hello, who's calling please?" Said the teacher.
The caller in a sad voice said "this is Reily's father. My car broke down on my way to work this morning. Could you please have Reily take the bus home, since I will not be able to pick her up?"
   "Yes I can do that, but why do you sound so sad?"
   "I am sad because today is March 21st the year 2005, the day Reily was born but the day her mother left us and I was just looking at the picture I have of Reily's mother on my desk. Everytime I see the picture I remember Carolyn. The joyful times we shared and her last words she said to me, "I love you, please take good care of Reily.""
   "I had no idea," replied Miss. Smith.
   Samantha, a student in the classroom saw Miss. Smith crying and handed her a tissue not saying a word. The students in the classroom remained silent as the teacher was talking on the phone.
"I don't know how to tell Reily that her mom died if she should ever ask. I should have known what to do to help and none of this would have happened," said Reily's father.
   "You did nothing wrong and when the time comes put your faith in God.
"Yes, I know. Miss. Smith I think maybe you should get back to the class."
   "Yes, Mr. Johnson I should. Take it easy okay?"
   Mr. Johnson replies, "I will." Then he hung up the phone. He sat looking at the picture of Carolyn. Wondering why Carolyn had to leave this world.

Chapter 2

   Back in the classroom Miss. Smith went back to working with her students. They learned many things that day, how to color, how to write their names and most importantly how to love and care for each other.
   "Daddy, daddy I'm home and I missed you so much!" Said Reily as she walked through the door.
   "Hi, sweetie, what did you learn in school today?"
   "Daddy I learned that even grown-ups cry sometimes."
   "Yes, even grown-ups cry because we hurt sometimes too and it is okay to cry."
   "Daddy do you ever cry?"
   "Yes, I do cry when things seem difficult and I'm not sure how to fix them."
   "Daddy you can't make everything better and I don't expect you to."
   With a smile on his face Mr. Johnson said, "sweetie, I love you more than anyone in the whole wide world. Why don't you change into some play clothes and I will make dinner."
   "Okay daddy."
   Reily hurries up the stairs and changed into her favorite pink jumper, but as she went to go down the stairs she turned back because she noticed she forgot to turn off the bedroom light. She then ran down the stairs and asked her daddy if she could go outside to play on the swing-set.
Her dad knowing supper would not be ready for another half hour said, "Yes, but let me wash my hands first and I will go outside with you."
As Mr. Johnson was pushing his daughter on the swing, put came the dreaded question as Reily asked, "daddy, where is my mommy?"
"Honey, your mommy is up in Heaven with God."
"Why daddy didn't she love me?"
"Yes, honey she loved you more than anyone in the world and that is why she told me to take care of you."
"Daddy, but if she loved me so much then why did she go?"
"God needed her to take care of another little girl just like you and knew that your mommy would be the best angel for the job since I am here with you, you would not be left alone."
A long pause followed as he thought of carolyn.

Chapter 3

"Honey, it's time for us to go in and wash up for dinner."
Mr. Johnson washed his hands and set the table. Reily said her prayers before dinner.
"Dear Lord, I know that my mommy is now an angel, but do you think maybe you could send her and the little girl she's taking care of back to us? I thank you for all this food and for my daddy who you left to take care of me. In Jesus' name. I love you! Amen!"
Mr. Johnson wiping the tears from his eyes said, "Amen."
They ate dinner and went off to watch t.v. before it was time to take a bath and go to bed.
Reily said her prayers as usual. Mr. Johnson read her a bed time story and tucked her in, then went to bed.
That night he thanked God for his precious little girl, knowing he could not imagine life without her.
"Morning sunshine" said Mr. Johnson.
"Good morning daddy," replied Reily.
"Did you sleep well last night?"
"Daddy, yes I had a pretty dream!"
"you did!" what was it about?"
"Well daddy I saw mommy, she's an angel and she told me to take care of you. I told her no daddy and I will take care of each other."
"Yes we will take care of each other."
"Daddy, but she didn't tell me why she left and I asked her. She said something about daddy knows."
"Yes, I do know sweetie but why don't we save that story for another time? We don't have time for it right now."
"Okay daddy."
"Why don't you go get dressed for school and I will get breakfast ready."
"Daddy, can I wear my green dress today?"
"You sure can!"
Reily ran upstairs to put on her dress and get ready for school. She is always full of energy. In school she had a lot of fun. She loves to learn especially when she gets to learn how to read. Mr. Johnson had her take the bus home agains because his car would not be fixed til tomorrow.
"Daddy, I learned how to read today and I know how to spell cat."
"Really Reily what did you learn how to read?"
"I learned how to read words like cat, dog, ball and doll."
"That is great sweetie."
Mr. Johnson was so proud of his daughter because he knew that she always tries her best and also because she is a miracle. That day he decided to make sandwiches and soup for dinner so that Reily could have more time to play outside.
They went outside and just as they went outside. Mr. Johnson saw a little boy about three or four, running across the busy street and a car was headed straight for him.
Mr. Johnson said, "Reily stay here daddy has to go check on something."

Chapter 4

Mr. Johnson ran to the little boy and got him safely to the side he had started crossing from. He was almost hit by the speeding car. He caught the license plate number. Then asked Reily to make sure the little boy did not go into the road because he did not know who's little one he was. Mr. Johnson then went inside to call the police to give them the number.
"Hello, Sgt. Jones police station. How may I help you?" Said the Sgt.
"Yes, this is Mr. Johnson I would like to report a vehicle that seems to be driving wrecklessly."
"One moment please!"
"Hello, this is Sgt. Martin. I understand you would like to report some wreckless driving."
"Yes, there was a little boy crossing the street and I ran our to get him because the driver was not slowing down."
"Okay, do you know the color of the car?"
"Yes, it was a blue Sadan. License plate number 952-LGC."
"Thank you very much for calling!"
"You welcome"
Mr. Johnson then went back outside where Reily was holding the little boy still by the hand.
"Reily thank you for watching him."
"You welcome daddy."
"He not daddy daddy," said the little boy.
"What's your name?" Said Mr. Johnson.
"Kyle," replied the little boy.
"Do you know where you live Kyle?" Said Mr. Johnson.
"Yes, I live in that house over there."
"Does your mommy or daddy know you are outside?"
"No, mommy taking shower."
Mr. Johnson took Kyle back to his house and knocked on the door.
"Hello, why do you have my son?" Said Clara, Kyle's mother.
"He was running across the street and almost got hit by a car."
"Oh no! Kyle why did you go outside? You know that you don't go out without mommy."
"Mommy I wanted to play," replied Kyle.
"Honey but you can't without mommy. You can get hurt really badly if I'm not with you." Said Clara. "Thank You for bringing him back."
"You welcome!" Said Mr. Johnson.
As he walked with Reily back home Reily asked "is that why you always come outside with me?"
"Yes, sweetie. I just don't want you to get hurt."
"I know daddy and that is because you love me so much."
"You bet! Why don't we go inside and wash up then make dinner?"
"Daddy sounds like a plan."
That night they are dinner and for a prayer Reily said, "God please bless my daddy and keep Kyle safe. Thank You for the greatest daddy in the whole world and for this wonderful food that you give my daddy to make, Amen!"
With a chuckle Mr. Johnson said "Amen!"
Mr. Johnson tucked Reily into bed and she said her prayers but not out loud which was unusual.
"Goodnight sweetie!"
"Good night daddy!"
Mr. Johnson kissed her on the forehead and went to bed. About one in the morning he woke up and decided to check on Reily. To his surprise he found his little girl gasping for breath.
"What's wrong sweetie?"
"Daddy I don't know I can't breathe."

Chapter 5

Mr. Johnson called for the ambulance. Upon arrival to the hospital they found that she was not getting enough oxygen in because both her lungs were failing.
"Hi, I'm Dr. carpenter."
"It's nice to meet you how is my daughter doing?"
"Your daughter needs a new lung or she will not make it."
"How long does she have without a new lung."
"We don't know but not long to be honest with you."
"But she's my little girl."
"Calm down Mr. Johnson she is in the best of hands."
"Is there anything I can do to help her?"
"Mr. Johnson I am not sure at this point. If your lung is compatible to hers we could try a lung transplant."
"My lung? Oh wait a minute I'm not sure."
"Mr. Johnson well we don't know if your lung is even compatible or not."
"Run the tests find out!"
About seven hours later Reily was stabilized and they found out that Reily could have one of her father's lungs and it probably would take.
"Mr. Johnson there is a risk to be taken if we do this transplant."
"I never said I was going to let you cut me open."
"Mr. Johnson it is your daughters only chance. Maybe you should think about this before you decide. You have the night after that there probably is no hope."
"May I see my daughter?"
"Yes, Mr. Johnson you may."
Mr. Johnson goes up to his daughter's room in the hospital and saw his daughter just laying there on oxygen. He didn't know what to say or do.
"Hi, sweetie, how are you feeling?"
"Daddy I want to go home!"
"I know and I want you home to, but I can't have you come home like this."
"Daddy, yes I want to."
"Honey, you can't."
"Daddy I have school."
"I know you have school and I have work, but your health is more important."
"Hush sweetie just rest things will be okay!"
Mr. Johnson knew that his daughter's life was now in his hands. If he didn't let them do the lung transplant she would die. His worry was not that his daughter would not make it. It was that he was afraid he would leave his daughter behind. If he says no his daughter will surely die. If he says yes he may die. When faced with that sort of option what do you do? Do you let nature takes it's course or do you risk your life once more to save a child? Not just any child, your child. As he saw his daughter was asleep, he said a prayer hoping to be heard.
"Dear lord, my child is laying here same as my wife was five years and two days ago and I again am placed in a spot where I don't know where to go or where to turn. I don't know if this is some sort of punishment or if you are just testing me. I could not bear to watch my child die, nor could I bear to leave her alone in this world. It can be a scary place. Please give me some sort of sign of what to do lord. I need your help! Amen!"
By this time he had totally lost his happiness. His tears were running down his face because even grown-ups cry and need help from higher powers.
Mr. Johnson then got up and called work and told them he would not be in and the reason why. He then called the school and told them what was going on.

Chapter 6

Upon arriving back in his daughter's room he noticed doctors standing outside her room. Not sure what was going on he went into the room to find his daughter's pulse becoming unstable again.
"Mr. Johnson," called Dr. Smith "your daughter needs the lung transplant sooner than we thought. If she does not get it soon, then I'm afraid there is no hope."
"Okay, Dr. Smith if I do this what are the chances of my daughter surviving?"
"Chances of your daughter surviving are excellent though I can't tell you that there are no risks, because there are."
"I don't care about the risks anymore. I can't let my little girl die."
"Okay, Mr. Johnson please read over the paperwork and sign it."
Mr. Johnson read over the paper work then signed. Ten hours had went by since they initially got there. The waiting and the worrying seemed like days had went by. Time went by slow because of the not knowing of what will happen.
Eleven hours later both Mr. Johnson and his daughter Reily were prepped for surgery. Both aware that Reily was sick, but only Mr. Johnson knew he may not pull through.
"Daddy, I love you," said Reily.
"I love you to because you are my little angel."
Doctors did their job and put the anesthesia mask on Reily. They used the needle with anesthesia for Mr. Johnson. The surgery went quite well, eleven hours after surgery had begun both patients were in the recovery room. They seemed to be making excellent progress.
Mr. Johnson woke up seeing a nurse standing by.
"How's my daughter," said Mr. Johnson.
"She is doing just fine" replied the nurse that was standing near by. "She was asking for you just a few minutes ago."
"She's my little girl, thank you God for letting her be okay. I don't know what I would do without her and I hope I never have to find out."
"Well, Mr. Johnson seems we will be keeping you here for the night. Since this is a very special case you have a choice of having your bed in the same room as your daughter's or in a separate room. Normally we would not allow this because it is against our hospitals policy."
"I want to be with my daughter please. I know that is what she would want to."
"Okay, Mr. Johnson are you ready to be moved to your room?"
"Yes, mam I sure am."
Upon arrival to the room he found his daughter already there and the room was filled with flowers from his friends and neighbors. Someone else was also there, his daughter's teacher. She came to wish Reily and Mr. Johnson a full recovery. Mr. Johnson and Reily were both very happy to see each other.
"Daddy, when can we go home?"
"Tomorrow sweetie, tomorrow." Mr. Johnson said with a smile.
"Do you need a ride?" Asked Miss. Smith.
"Yes," replied Mr. Johnson.
The nurse chimed in, "you will also need to stay off your feet for at least two weeks. Do you have anyone that will be able to take care of you and Reily because if not I am afraid I can't let you go?"
"No, I don't," replied Mr. Johnson.
"Yes, you do!" Replied Miss. Smith.
"Mr. Johnson I will gladly take care of you and Reily," said Miss. Smith.
"Why? You don't know me or anything."
"Because I don't have anyone to go home to at my house except Sadie my dog. I can always go there twice a day and check on her."
"No, Miss. Smith why don't you bring the dog to my house. I would feel better that way."
"Mr. Johnson, okay I will bring the dog to your house when I take you home tomorrow. Sadie is very playful though, so I will chain her up outside."
"That's fine."
"Mr. Johnson glad to see everything will be okay."
"Me too. I am lucky to have my little girl."
"I must be going, the dog needs to be fed. Reily you hang in there okay?"
"Miss. Smith, will you bring my school work to my house for me please?" Said Reily.
"Yes, sweetie I will if you want me to, but I need to take care of Sadie okay?"
"Okay, see you tomorrow," said Reily.
"Yes, you will!"
"Bye Miss. Smith thanx for all your help. My daughter and I appreciate it."
Reily was still pretty tired from the surgery and about fifteen minutes later she was asleep again.
Mr. Johnson knew that he made the right choice and also knew that God was watching over him and his daughter. Angels come in all shapes and sizes and Mr. Johnson knew that.
The next morning Miss. Smith came to pick up Mr. Johnson and Reily. Both were very happy to go home. The two weeks went by very slowly for both Mr. Johnson and Reily. Reily wanted to go back to school because being taught at home was not the same and the visiting nurse stayed with both patients during the day so that Miss. Smith could teach. Mr. Johnson was anxious to get back to work. I don't think I have to tell you that both recovered just fine and Miss. Smith enjoyed not going home to an empty house instead going home to like a family. Three months later Reily was still doing fine and was not sick nearly as much as, she was before the lung transplant. Mr. Johnson was also fine. Both were back to their normal routines and this incident brought Reily and her dad closer. Both were happy to be alive.

Chapter 7

   June 22, 2005 the temperature is very warm, 80 degrees and Reily was begging to go to the beach. She loves playing in the sand and her dad enjoys helping her build sandcastles.
   "Daddy," came the excited voice of Reily.
   "What, Sweetie?"
   "Can we go to the beach please, please?"
"Let me finish the laundry, then pack us some lunch and snacks and we can go okay?"
   Of course he could not say no because she gave him the puppy dog eyes which is how she gets her way most of the time.
   They went to the beach and built sandcastles. They swam in the water and Reily even found a sand dollar, which she was very eager to show her dad who was enjoying the sun.
   It was now 4:30 in the afternoon and time to go home because it was an hour and a half drive home.
   As soon as they got back Reily took a bath and as soon as she was done Mr. Johnson hopped in the shower.
   Mr. Johnson then made supper and set the table.
"Supper is ready Reily."
"Okay, I'm coming."
They ate their dinner like always with Reily saying her prayers first.
"Dear God, thank you for the food you give me each day. I always have plenty to eat, though sometimes I have too much to eat. Thank you also for giving me a hero as a daddy. I don't know how I ended up with the bestest daddy in the whole world who's a real hero too! I guess that was all part of your plan huh? Amen!"
   "Thank you for giving me an angel as a daughter to! Amen!" Said Mr. Johnson.
   They went to bed early that night because both of them had had a long day.
   The next morning Mr. Johnson took Reily over to the babysitters house who was none other than Miss. Smith herself because had to go to work. Reily kissed and hugged him good-bye.
   "See ya later daddy."
   Reily ran up to the door and knocked. Mr. Johnson stayed in the car to make sure Reily got inside okay and that Miss. Smith was home. Sadie greeted Reily at the door as usual and Reily was growing very fond of Sadie. Sadie kept licking Reily's face for about five minutes til Miss. Smith called the dog away. All the while Reily was giggling though because she loves Sadie. Miss. Smith put cartoons on for Reily to watch since she had a little picking up to do, and she wanted to keep Reily occupied.
"Reily came the call from the kitchen."
"Yes, Miss. Smith?"
"Would you do me a favor and let Sadie out the back door so that I can start vacuuming because I don't want her attacking the vacuum?"
"I can do that! Sadie come girl we gotta go outside."
   In the back yard there was fence all around it so that Sadie could go out without having to be chained up. Miss. Smith also made a tire swing for Reily to play on but she had much more fun playing with Sadie instead.
   About twenty minutes later Miss. Smith came out with some drinks and a snack. She brought a snack out for Sadie to.
   I never did tell you that Reily has long black hair and bright blue eyes just like her father except he has short hair.
   Miss. Smith has blonde hair and blue eyes Very pretty, tall and skinny.
   "Thank you, Miss. Smith." Said Reily.
"You welcome!"
"Can we go inside now because it is to hot outside for me?"
   "Sure let's go in and it is almost lunch time too so please wash your hands."
   "Okay, can you get me a face cloth though because I can't reach?"
   "Sure can!"
   Reily washed her face and hands and Miss. Smith prepared lunch. Both enjoyed being with each other very much. Miss. Smith was glad to babysit Reily and I don't think I have to tell you that Reily also enjoyed having Miss. Smith as a babysitter. To Reily it was like having a mother around. Since she never did get to meet her mother.
   That night Mr. Johnson worked late and got to Miss. Smith's house around 8PM. Reily was already asleep.
   "Why don't you just spend the night here so, you don't have to wake Reily up and besides you look tired?" Asked Miss. Smith.
"Well, are you sure?" Mr. Johnson hesitated.
   "Yes, I am positive! It's okay really," replied Miss. Smith.
   "Thank you for everything you have done!"
   "you welcome and besides I still have some of your clothes here that I did not take back to your house because I was caught up with everything."
   Before long Mr. Johnson and Miss. Smith started dating.
   March 21st, 2006, Reily is now six years old.
   "Daddy wake up! Wake up!" Came the excited call of Reily.
   "I'm awake what's up?" Said Mr. Johnson.
   "Daddy, I'm six today!"
   "Yes, you are sweetie!"
   "Daddy you said you would tell me about my mom another time will you tell me now?"
   "Okay, sweetie. Come sit on the bed and I will tell you about her. What do you want to know about her?"
   "I want to know why she didn't stay with us?"
   "Okay, honey your mommy was very sick. We were in an accident. She had problems with her lungs just like you did only we could not find anyone compatible that could give their lung to her. If we could the operation would not take."
   "Why not daddy? Didn't anyone love her?"
   "Yes, a lot of people loved her but it is not that easy to find someone a part to their body that will match so they can get better."
   "Was she in pain daddy?"
   "No, her last words were "I love you, take care of Reily for me. She is my angel." Then she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Two hours later she stopped breathing. I had you in my arms and she was holding my hand. She went to Heaven peacefully."


   "Daddy, do you like Miss. Smith?"
   "Yes, sweetie I do. Why do you ask that?"
   "Because I want a mommy. Do you think Miss. Smith would like to be my mommy?"
   "I think she probably would, but I would have to marry her before she could be your mommy."
   "Well then marry her already."
   "Honey it isn't that easy."
   "Because I would have to ask her to marry me and she would have to say yes and then we would have to plan our wedding."
   "What's not easy about that?"
   "She may say no too honey."
   "Well ask her already. Here's the phone."
   "I will call her later."
   Reily dials the number.
   "Hello, Miss. Smith speaking, who's calling please?"
   "It's me Reily!"
   "Is something wrong sweetie?"
   "No, nothing is wrong my daddy has to ask you something."
   "Oh, really what?"
   "Daddy phone! It's for you."
   "Hi, Mr. Johnson your daughter said you wanted to ask me something."
   "Oh boy!"
   "Well she wants me to ask you to marry me but I know you will say no even though I think I am falling in love with you."
   "Mr. Johnson if that is a proposal then yes."
   "That's what I thought Sarah Sorry for bothering you."
   "Did you hear what I said?"
   "Yes you said no."
   "David no I said yes."
   "Yes, I would love to marry you."
   "That is wonderful!"
   "I loved you from the first time I talked to you and Reily melted my heart."
   "Would you tell Reily for me please?"
   "Reily Miss. Smith would like to talk to you."
   "Okay, Daddy."
   "Hi Reily about what you wanted your daddy to ask me."
"Yeah, what did you say?"
   "I said yes."
   "Really you and my daddy are gonna marry each other?"
   "Yes sweetie!"
   "Good can I have a little brother or sister?"
   "I will work on that one honey." Sarah said with a giggle.
   "Does this mean that you will be my mommy."
   "Yes, honey I think so if you want me to be."
   "Of course I want you to be. Why else would I ask?"
"Well, I'm not exactly sure."
   "When are you gonna marry my daddy?"
   "Well, honey that has not been decided yet, but I am sure it will be soon."
   "Okay when you find out will you let me know?"
   "Yes, of course!"
"Oh, yeah and today is my birthday! Be at my house at one PM today okay?"
   "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
   Four hours later the guests started to arrive for Reily's 6th birthday party.
Reily invited four of her closest friends including Miss. Smith, her soon to be mother.
   The surprise entertainment was a clown who did a magic show and made balloon animals. After the clown show Reily opened all of her gifts and thanked everyone. Everyone had cake, ice cream and chips.
   It was then game time. The games included pin the tail on the donkey, Frogger, Simon says, and twister. Everyone had a great time.
   After the party everyone went home except for Sarah who was staying for dinner.
   David and Reily had planned a special dinner for Sarah. Reily had been holding onto the ring that David planned to have as an engagement ring.


Chapter 8

   At dinnertime David made dinner as usual and served the dinner to Reily, Sarah and himself so that Sarah would not expect anything. He then sat down at the table and Reily went to pray as usual.
   "Reily honey, I have something that I would like to say and I would also like to say the prayers tonight." Said David.
   "Okay, daddy." Replied Reily.
   David took Sarah's hand and said "I know you said that you would earlier on the phone today, but I wanted to do it the right way. Sarah I want to hold you in my arms and love you until death shall do us part. Will you marry me?"
   With that Reily handed her dad the ring she had been holding onto for him. David put it on Sarah's finger
   With tears in her eyes Sarah replied, "David, yes I will because I have fallen in love with you from the first time we talked. I know that you and your daughter are special and I do want to spend the rest of my life with both of you."
   Everyone was quiet for quite a while, then Reily broke the silence.
   "Daddy when you marrying her?"
   "Reily, Sarah and I have not decided that yet."
   "Well when ya do let me know."
   "Okay!" Replied David.
   "Can we eat now please?"
   "Yes, sweetie we can, after I say the prayers."
   "Dear lord thank you for showing me a wonderful woman who I plan to spend the rest of my life with and thank you for letting me keep my little angel Reily. I hope that we can all be a family together. Thank you also for the food that you have given to my family and I each day of our lives. In Jesus name! Amen!"
   With that Sarah and Reily both said, "Amen!"
   Sarah stood up and said, "I would like to propose a toast to my Fiancé and to my soon to be daughter, if it is okay with both of you that is."
   Reily chimed in "only if you will let me call you mommy."
   "Of course sweetie, " said Sarah.
   "It is okay with me," said David.
   They ate dinner and then David walked Sarah to the car. He kissed her good-bye and then went back inside where Reily was waiting at the door.
   "Reily why don't you go ahead and wash up and get ready for bed honey. I will take care of the dishes and everything else in the house."
   "Okay, daddy."
   Reily was pretty tired because it had been a long day. About a half-hour later Reily came back downstairs and sat on the couch quietly.
   "Hey sweetie what are you sitting there for without the television on?"
   "I am just waiting for you to get done so you can tuck me in to bed."
   "Honey, you could have said something and I would have done it sooner. I don't mind at all."
   "No, daddy I did not want to bother you."
   "Honey, you could never bother me."
   "Grab your bunny and lets go upstairs."
   "Okay, daddy."
David tucked Reily into bed and kissed her forehead.
"Good-night Reily."
"Good-night daddy. I love you."
"I love you too sweetie."
That night David dreamt about Sarah and how wonderful things would be with her. In his dream it was his wedding day. They were walking in a garden of roses with Reily following close behind. In his dream the garden was the most beautiful thing in the world. Nothing was better than this magnificent garden. It was their garden and their special place that no one could take away.
When he awoke he realized it was his garden that was in the back yard. His back yard was the perfect place to have the wedding. He then looked at the clock it was only eleven PM so he went back to sleep.
This time having a dream that would change his whole life.

Chapter 9

   He dreamed that he was a child again. He was eight years old. It was the day he first met Carolyn. They vowed to be friends forever and to fulfill each other's dream if one should part.
   Carolyn's dream was to have a family of her own and always be there for her family. Her dream was also to make sure her family was happy. The strange thing was in his dream he was able to remember what Carolyn said that day.
   "David if I should ever have children promise me you will do anything to keep them happy and healthy."
   "Carolyn why?"
   "David because I know I won't be able to do it."
   Carolyn left in tears that day. She always knew she did not have long to live from when she was only eight years old. Not a word of that day was mentioned to anyone. David kept it a secret all these years and even forgot himself. That day he vowed to keep his child happy and healthy and now is determined to keep her that way more than ever.
   In dreams you have the chance to relive days that you normally would not have a chance to. You have a chance to recapture moments from your early childhood as was just shown in David's dream.
    6AM David heard the alarm going off.
   "Reily, honey it is time to get up for school."
   When he heard no reply he went in to wake Reily up. But when he felt her forehead and found that she was running a temp, he decided that it best to call out sick, and take her to ER, remembering what Carolyn said to him when he was eight years old.
   "Hello, General Electric, Trish speaking. How may I help you?"
   "Yes, this is David Johnson I won't be coming in today my daughter has come down sick again."
   "Okay, Mr. Johnson thanx for calling."
   "Reily honey, it's time to get up."
   "Daddy, I don't feel good."
   "I know honey that is why we are gonna go to the hospital."
   "Daddy, I don't like the hospital" came the hoarse voice.
   "I know honey, but we need to go so that you can get better."
   "Daddy, no I don't want to."
   "Honey, I promised your mom that I would keep you happy and healthy. Well, if you are not healthy then you can't be happy. We honestly need to go now to the hospital. I don't like to see you like this."
   "Okay, daddy if that is what mommy wants. She's an angel ya know."
   "Yes, honey. I know, I know. You ready to go?"
   "Wait daddy!"
   "Why honey?"
   "Call Miss. Smith please let her know."
   "Okay, I will, Sarah hi Reily has taken ill again. She is running a temp and has a cold so I am headed to the hospital with her. I am not gonna take any chances."
   "I understand David. I will be there after work okay?"
   "Yeah okay!"
   "Bye hon take care of Reily."
   "I will!"
   "Okay Reily let's go."
   "Okay, daddy."
   Upon arrival to the emergency room Reily started complaining that she was getting dizzy and having trouble breathing.
   "Excuse me but my daughter is having trouble breathing and is complaining that she is dizzy. I also know that she is running a temp."
   "Okay, sir calm down what is your daughter's name?"
   "Reily Marie Johnson."
   "Okay we will take her in right away."
   "Thank you!"
   An IV was started on Reily for fluids and to get the temp down with Intravenal medication.
   Everything turned to a blur. A look of worry came over Reily's dad as he sat in the chair in the hospital room where his sick daughter lay. As he began cry he remembered his promise. He remembered the promise he made to Carolyn twenty years ago when both were only eight years old. Upset and worried that today would be the day that he had to break that promise.
   Later on that day Miss. Smith came to the hospital.
   "How is she doing?" asked Miss. Smith.
   "Not very good." Replied Mr. Johnson in a very sad voice.
   "Hon I know you are sad but have faith in the lord that everything will be okay. You see everything that happens, happens for a very good reason even if the reason is hard to see."
   "Well, Sarah if that is the case then why do I have to see my child like this? Why is God doing this? It's not right!"
   "Have faith because he knows what he is doing."
   By this time Sarah was in tears herself and did not know what else to do.
   "Why does my little girl keep getting hurt? She doesn't deserve it."
   "No, no one deserves to be hurt, but it does happen for a reason," replied Sarah.
   As the days went on Reily seemed to be getting sicker and sicker. Reily's father didn't know what to do. He felt so helpless. Reily's immune system had been low and boosting it seemed to be harder than any other task.
   Finally three weeks later Reily started feeling better. Prayers were being answered. Only goes to show God works in mysterious ways.
   This incident only brought Sarah and David closer to God. Giving them a faith in god that could not be broken and surely saw Reily as the most precious gift from God that anyone could ever get.


Chapter 10

   Two years later June 28, 2008 Sarah and David got married. The ceremony was beautiful. It took place in David's garden. The garden was filled with red, white, yellow and pink roses mixed with brightly colored tulips and carnations. The grass was bright green and neatly mowed. It was a wedding that only Sarah, Reily, David, the pastor and a witness attended. A private little wedding Now Reily has a mother who she loves so very much.
   Reily's immune system was also stronger so she did not get sick as much as she had been in the past.
   For David and Sarah's honeymoon they went to a nearby hotel and Reily stayed over a friends house.
   David and Sarah talked about what happened that day that Reily's mother passed away.
   You see David was on his way to bring Carolyn to breakfast. No one could have predicted or foretold what would happen that first day of spring eight years ago when precious Reily was brought to this world.
   It was foggy but David begged Carolyn to go out to breakfast with him to celebrate their second anniversary and to celebrate Reily coming to the world soon. Was due in a month. On their way home a drunk driver hit them on the passenger's side. To which an emergency c-section was to be performed. Carolyn was bleeding internally and the doctor's knew they could not save her but there was always hope for their daughter Reily. Both her lungs were failing and finally they collapsed.
   "Why do you blame yourself for Carolyn's death?" Asked Sarah.
   "If I hadn't of begged her to go out that morning then she would still be here today. This was my fault I would not take no for an answer." Replied David.
   "You could not have known that this would happen. No one could have. You need to let go of the past it was her time and you have a beautiful little girl that loves you so very much."
   "Yes, I know lets get some sleep."

Chapter 11

   August 1st, 2011 Reily now eleven finally gets her wish of having a little brother or sister. A little brother is born Bryce Andrew Johnson. Weighing 8 lbs. 10 oz. A healthy boy
   "Daddy can I see my brother now please?" Asked Reily.
   "Yes, after you eat your lunch we will go up to the hospital." Replied David.
Reily's blue-eyed, blonde-haired brother was to come home August third and she wrote a little song for him.

Who loves you?

Sometimes things in the world
Are gonna make you cry.
But remember
I am here for you
Forever more.
Life's obstacles,
that test our faith
sometimes will break
our hearts in two.
But remember who love you.
Who loves you?
I do
and God does too.
my job is to
help look out for you.
So when you cry
I'll be here right by your side.
But Remember who loves you.
Who loves you?
I do
and God does too.
we all have our faith tested
with many hardships
pain and sorrow too.
but remember who loves you.
Who loves you?
I do
and God does too.
We love you forever more.

   Every night until Reily turned 15 Reily sang this to her little brother.
   At fifteen Reily was spending time at her cousins house. To which she made a mistake and drank til she did not know what was going on.
   Her cousin took advantage of her and she blamed herself because she drank when she shouldn't have. She fell into a state of depression blamed herself and blamed God for letting it happen.
   This is not an easy thing to overcome. Losing faith losing trust in everyone around her. Crying herself, to sleep at night
   Two years later her cousin is now in jail for what he had done to her. Leaving an emotional, painful scar for life.
   Through the help of others Reily regained faith and began loving herself again. Most of the support she got was from friends in Rosies Place! Some who took the extra step in meeting her. Knowing you are loved and knowing that you have friends to help you through.
   This was probably the biggest test of faith of her life.
   She later went on to marry, had three wonderful children. Two boys, twins, and a little girl
   Did she ever fully recover from what happened? No, but she learned that life is full of tests of faith and full of obstacles that she alone could not overcome without help of others. She also learned that she was not at fault for what happened to her. The only thing she was guilty of was, loving and trusting someone. It isn't a bad thing to love or trust people. Just remember to love yourself first and most. Life is full of obstacles that test your faith. But there is one person that you can always count on. You can always count on God and remember God loves you.


© 2000 Lisa Duval Aka Roanglbrat@Aol.Com All Rights Reserved


Lisa also had some of her poems published in a book of poetry, which I do not have.  If any of you know the name or ISBN# for this book of poetry, please email me with it so I can post it on the site.